Perhaps you’re moving far away, attending a LAN party, or simply going on a long holiday, and you’re thinking of what to do with your favorite console. Shipping it is one option, though, at the cost of hundreds of dollars, most people would bring it with them to keep an eye on it. As it’s not particularly common, some people are asking themselves, “Can I bring my console onboard a plane?”

1 Always check with your regulatory authority

According to CleverJourney, at least in the United States, Europe, and Australia, game consoles are allowed in either carry-on or checked luggage. Typically devices such as Xbox and PlayStation consoles do not contain lithium batteries (the Nintendo Switch is a popular exception) and, therefore, can be packed however you wish. However, no matter where you live, it’s always best practice to quickly search or ask your local aviation regulatory authority if game consoles (or any other item you’re curious about) can be brought onboard.

A Nintendo Switch sticking out of a backpack.
Photo: StepanPopov /

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2 Beware of airline weight limits

Assuming you are flying to or within a country that allows gaming devices to be brought on the plane, it’s worth remembering that baggage is subject to weight limits. Some airlines have cabin luggage weight restrictions in addition to the standard checked baggage limits, and with large consoles weighing at least a couple of kilograms (a few pounds), you may need to consider everything you’re bringing and if there’s space and weight capacity for the console.

3 Pack safely

Okay, so you’re confident that your favorite gaming device is safe to fly, and there’s room for it in your bag. Like most other electronic devices, if possible, bringing it in a carry-on is generally recommended, as it is less prone to being tossed around and damaged, even if packed well. There are backpacks designed to hold game consoles, controllers, and disks (if yours uses them), but any decently large backpack will work fine.

If you cannot take your console onboard and must put it in a large checked back, ideally, it’s surrounded by clothes on all sides and not physically touching any side of the suitcase. Bubble wrap can be beneficial here (or with any electronic item) as it’s protective and very lightweight, but it can take up a good chunk of space, so you’ll have to use your own judgment there.

4 Security

Again similarly to laptops or other large electronics, if it’s going onboard in a carry-on, you will likely need to take it out for the security check. Personally, I have not traveled with a game console, but have flown with monitors and computer hardware - it’s very much the same; other than a few curious looks as you place a less common item in a separate security bin, the process isn’t any different. It will be waiting for you at the other end of the X-ray system, where you can place it back in your bag.

5 Check controllers before leaving

While Switch owners must bring their consoles onboard in any case, Xbox and PlayStation users may need to do the same with controllers at least. Some controller models use rechargeable lithium batteries instead of AA batteries or a cable with no battery. If this applies to yours, it must be brought in a carry-on in case something happens to the battery, even if you plan to pack the console in a checked bag.

Sources: Expert World Travel, Cabin Zero, Clever Journey, JustTravo, Travel on the Fly